시간 | 제목 | 좌장/연자 |
08:30 -08:50 |
등 록 | |
08:50 -08:55 |
개회사 | 대한신경근연구학회 회장 안태훈 |
08:55 -09:00 |
축 사 | 대한마취통증의학회 강원지회장 임소영 |
One small step for anesthesiologist, one giant leap for patient safety (환자 안전을 위한 신경근약물관리) | ||
Session A: Patient safety Part I | 좌장: 안태훈(조선의대), 임소영(한림의대) | |
09:00 -09:25 |
1. Up-and-down regulation of acetylcholine receptors | 서정화(서울의대) |
09:25 -09:50 |
2. Drug interactions and factors affecting to NMBD response |
김진선(강릉아산병원) |
09:50 -10:15 |
3. Postoperative residual blockade | 김규남(한양의대) |
10:15 -10:35 |
Q & A | |
10:35 -10:50 |
Break | |
Session B: Patient safety Part II | 좌장: 신용섭(충남의대), 이광호(원주세브란스기독병원) |
10:50 -11:15 |
1. Clinical applications of neuromuscular monitoring | 양홍석(대전 선병원) |
11:15 -11:40 |
2. Current evidence-based recommendations for monitoring and reversal |
이원진(인제의대) |
11:45 -12:05 |
3. Malignant hyperthermia and muscle-related disorder | 최재문(울산의대) |
12:05 -12:25 |
Q & A | |
12:25 -12:30 |
기념촬영 | |
12:30 -13:30 |
Lunch | |
Be sensitive to trends (최신 연구 동향 공유) | ||
Session C: Researches in neuromuscular area Part I | 좌장: 이정석(순천향의대), 김영기(강릉아산병원) |
13:30 -13:55 |
1. Recent literature review; sugammadex: what do we know and what do we still need to know? |
정기태(조선의대) |
13:55 -14:20 |
2. Statistical/methodology: randomization | 인준용(동국의대) |
14:20 -14:35 |
Q & A | |
14:35 -14:50 |
Break | |
Session D: Researches in neuromuscular area Part II | 좌장: 이상석(인제의대), 전진영(가톨릭의대) |
14:50 -15:10 |
1. Retrospective analysis of 30-day unplanned readmission after major abdominal surgery with reversal by sugammadex or neostigmine |
오탁규(서울의대) |
15:10 -15:30 |
2. Effects of magnesium chloride on rocuronium -induced neuromuscular blockade and sugammadex reversal in an isolated rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm preparation |
성태윤(건양의대) |
15:30-15:50 | 3. Comparison of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade in second trimester pregnant women and non-pregnant women |
전인정(한림의대) |
15:50 -16:10 |
Q & A | |
16:10 | 폐회사 | 대한신경근연구학회 회장 안태훈 |